
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Social Media Class Blog Post

 Well, these last eight weeks have really been a journey. I thought I knew everything about social media, but obviously, I stand corrected. There's so much more to learn when creating and marketing your brand. Especially trying to find the best platform to fit your needs. They all have advantages and disadvantages. This class allowed me to understand each platform better. From there, I made a final decision on which platforms I plan to use when I launch my business. I learned about different marketing strategies and how to present my brand to my audience. I was already using Facebook and Instagram, but moving forward, I will definitely be using Linkedin more. I've been able to connect with numerous people with my same interests on Linkedin. Overall I think this class gave me a better insight into social media and how to expand my brand through marketing. I look forward to using my new knowledge to grow a successful brand. 

Launching my Podcast!

As I continue to grow my brand, incorporating a podcast will be one of my methods of marketing my brand. Through my podcast, I can relay important information and updates about my company, and also share some of my knowledge. I have attached a brief podcast intro to me and my business on this blog, I hope you enjoy!